Mary Ann Ritsch
Team Owner / REALTOR®

What makes ME different than other top-producing REALTORS in the area? It is my personalized service. I have developed a top-notch structure of administrative and ancillary support so that I can devote my expertise strictly to you. With over twenty years' experience in new construction and existing home sales, I maintain a healthy balance of buyers and sellers as I specialize in deal and dollar-maximizing contract negotiations. Being an award-winning, top-producing, multi-million dollar real estate sales leader serving the Greater Louisville and surrounding markets has allowed me to help countless clients in their real estate needs. I am outspoken, direct, honest, forthright, and most of all, people say that I am a lot of fun! Contact me to experience the difference. Always remember - You're Too Blessed To Be Stressed. Let Me Handle Your Real Estate Needs!!!!

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